How to Install Photoshop Actions

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How to Install Photoshop Actions

How to Install Photoshop Actions

Welcome to Pretty Actions for Photoshop!  We have the best Photoshop action install instructions and video tutorials which you can find below.

The good news is that installing Photoshop Actions in Photoshop is very, very simple!

These basic instructions for uploading your Photoshop actions into Adobe Photoshop, will take just 1-2 minutes.  We have also included a step-by-step PDF that you can download for future reference.

Photoshop Actions

Step 1. Open the Action Panel in Photoshop

To load your actions in Photoshop, the first thing you need to do is locate your Action Panel.  Open Photoshop and go to the "Window" tab in the top menu bar.  Then click on "Actions" in the dropdown.  Your action panel will pop out.

Install Photoshop Actions

Tip: If your panel icons are reduced (meaning the names are not showing), the icon for the Action panel is the "play" button (it looks like a triangle on its side).

How to Load Actions in Photoshop

Step 2. Click on the Menu Icon

Once your Action Panel is open, go to the top, right-hand corner of the Action Panel and click on the menu icon (the small icon that looks like 4 vertical lines).

How to add actions to Photoshop

Step 3. Scroll Down & Click on Load Actions

When the menu drops down, click on the Load Actions option to open up a file navigator.

Add Actions to Photoshop

Step 4. Navigate to Your Actions File

Navigate to the location on your computer where you downloaded or saved your actions (.atn files).

Load Action Photoshop

Step 5. Load Your Actions

Once you have navigated to your .atn file, double click on it.  Your actions will now be loaded in Photoshop and are ready to use!

Quick tip: If for some reason your Action Panel disappears, don't worry!  You probably just accidentally closed it, which can happen.  To reopen the Actions Panel, just go back up to "Window" tab and click on "Actions" again in the dropdown.

How to Install Actions in Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Actions Installation - Video Tutorial

Photoshop Elements Actions Installation - Video Tutorial

PDF Instructions You Can Download For Future Reference:

Photoshop Action Installation for CS and CC

Photoshop Elements Install Instructions

More Helpful Links to Get You Started:

  • Find Our Top Selling Photoshop Actions & Overlays
  • Free Photoshop Training Videos
  • Photoshop 101 Workshop

Important Note: Backing Up Your Actions

Please, please, please back up your actions in case your computer crashes, get damaged or is stolen.  This is done very easily using a thumb/flash drive or a cloud service like Dropbox.  We have a great tutorial on backing up your actionshere.

Portrait Photoshop Actions

Pretty Presets for Lightroom author Amanda Padgett

Amanda Padgett

Lightroom Instructor

Hi! I'm Amanda, a homeschooling mom of four, from South Carolina. I am passionate about photography, photo editing, and helping others learn to love their camera and editing programs.
